Definition of Common alder

1. Noun. Medium-sized tree with brown-black bark and woody fruiting catkins; leaves are hairy beneath.

Exact synonyms: Alnus Glutinosa, Alnus Vulgaris, European Black Alder
Group relationships: Alnus, Genus Alnus
Generic synonyms: Alder, Alder Tree

Definition of Common alder

1. Noun. A tree in the genus ''Alnus''; ''Alnus glutinosa''. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Common Alder

common-law marriage
common-source epidemic
common American shad
common European ash
common European dogwood
common European earwig
common European jay
common St John's wort
common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
common ageratum
common alder
common alders
common allamanda
common amsinckia
common ancestor
common antigen
common antilog
common antilogarithm
common apricot
common area
common areas
common arrowhead
common ash
common ashes
common ax

Literary usage of Common alder

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Natural History of Plants: Their Forms, Growth, Reproduction, and by Anton Kerner von Marilaun (1902)
"... flowers in each spike, whilst the flowers from which pollen is being shaken by the wind occupy the lower parts of the spike. Fig. 228.—The common Alder ..."

2. Manual of Forestry by William Schlich (1904)
"Pruning should be avoided. Thinnings.—The maple should be given an ample growing space when the height growth begins to fall off. 8. common alder—Abuts ..."

3. Trees and Shrubs: An Abridgment of the Arboretum Et Fruticetum Britannicum by John Claudius Loudon (1875)
"Cat. ed. 1836 ; ? J. canadensis Lodd. Cat. 1836; common Alder, Amer. \ Hazel- leaved Alder. ... A tree of similar magnitude to the common alder. ..."

4. The English Cyclopaedia by Charles Knight (1866)
"Of these, the only species that need be noticed here are, the common alder, the Turkey Alder, and the Heart-Leaved Alder. Л/т'. ..."

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